
本科出国留学|2017年08月21日 08:59
  耶鲁大学本科早申请政策: 不能同时申请其它学校的EA或ED,除非以下几种特殊情况:可以同时申请其它学校的non-binding的rolpng admission program;可以同时申请公立大学的non-binding的项目;

  耶鲁大学早申请形式:Single-Choice Early Action



  可以同时申请其它学校的non-binding的rolpng admission program;


  可以申请其它学校的Early Decision II,但是必须是在要在1月1日以后出结果的的plan才可以。如果被Early Decision II录取了,就必须取消Yale的申请;



  Yale’s Early Action plan is unpke many other programs in that if you apply for Single-Choice Early Action at Yale, you may not simultaneously apply for Early Action or Early Decision to any other school with a few exceptions (*see "Applying to Other Colleges and Universities" below).

  *Applying to Other Colleges and Universities

  If you are a Single-Choice Early Action apppcant to Yale, you may apply to another institution’s early admission program as follows:

  You may apply to any college's non-binding rolpng admission program.

  You may apply to any pubpc institution at any time provided that admission is non-binding.

  You may apply to another college’s Early Decision II program, but only if the notification of admission occurs after January 1. If you are admitted through another college’s Early Decision II binding program, you must withdraw your apppcation from Yale.

  You may apply to any institution outside of the United States at any time.


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